中文 |
English 這一周時間過得不是很好。一直在趕功課、作業、專題。很忙、很累。加上龍舟訓練,有點喘不過氣。感謝主,我還是熬過了。可是,這個星期並沒有更好。我還是有很多功課、作業、專題須要做。更多夜要熬。你還在嗎?我已經有點到了絕望的盡頭。明知不可能,我還是一頭栽了進去。傻得很,可是我控制不住。當我到了筋疲力盡的時候,偶爾還是會想起你。想想你現在還好嗎、辛苦嗎?##看到你的時候,你並沒有我那麼的期待看到我,我也知道。我即使離開了,你也還是態度淡漠。你從來不過問——是因爲這是你平常的態度,還是你根本漠不關心?我不懂。我也可能永遠不瞭解。
Chinese to English.
It hasn't been a good week. Been rushing my homework, assignments and projects. Busy and feeling tired all the time. With dragon boat training along side, I can hardly breathe. But thank God, I made it. However, this week isn't going to be any better. I still have much work to do. More nights to burn.
When I can't take this pain any more, is there anyone supporting me in person or even in spirit? Maybe no one knows, maybe it's because I don't know how to express this pain or hurt I have. Maybe it's because I don't know how to confide in others. I guess the problem is me -- I'm the one who is thinking too much, I'm the one who cannot accept the facts, I'm the one who don't know how to find others, I'm the one who shouldn't have.