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English 昨天參加了NUSSU Bash和Brendan的生日派對。我在7點在聖占姆士發電廠與其他龍舟團員會和支持俊威。過了大概半個鐘頭,我們便前往Brendan的派對。在派對上,我遇到了Joshua和Simon,感到蠻驚訝的。原來Simon是Brendan的干弟弟,Joshua是同校同學。世界還真小。我們在那裡唱K,待到大約11點。我們剩下的幾個就往發電廠出發。到了那裡已經12點多。我心想可能就可以“瘋狂”的過一晚。沒想到廠外排滿長龍,想進去都難。沒辦法,索性去麥當勞吃夜宵。在那,遇見了俊威。他沒有獲勝,心情不是很好。當時他正和他的朋友一起吃,過了一會兒才陪我們吃。他傾訴:自己幾個星期壓力很大,爲了減肥挨餓,爲了表演花了不少錢。當天表演,沒有很多人到場支持。我們也不在場,感到不好意思。他當時稍有醉意,聽他掏心感到蠻傷感的。
Chinese to English.
Attended the NUSSU Bash and Brendan's birthday party yesterday. I was at St. James waiting for the rest of the dragon boat team at 7 pm, planning to support Jun Wei. After about half an hour, we headed to Brendan's party. Surprisingly, I met Joshua and Simon there. Turned out that Simon was Brendan's god-brother, and Joshua was Brendan's schoolmate. What a small world it is. We sang karaoke there till about 11 pm. A few of us then headed to St. James. By that time, it was already 12 am-plus. I thought I was going to have a crazy night. But to my disappointment, the queue was horribly long. We then went to McDonalds for supper. Met Jun Wei there. He didn't win the pageant and naturally wasn't in a good mood. He was with his friends, and joined us after a while. He lamented that he was under immense stress the past few weeks, due to dieting (for loosing weight), and for the expense made for the performance. There weren't many supporters during the actual performance and we weren't there either. We felt quite bad for it. He was a little tipsy then, and listening him to pour his heart made me rather sad as well.
Unfortunately for me, it is my third time to the club. All three times I didn't have a good time. On one occasion, we were stood up, and there wasn't anyone in the club. Is God trying to tell me not go club? It's quite amusing actually. Seems like I have no affinity with clubs. I went home disappointed. Slept, preparing for today's anthem.
Thank God I was able to present the anthem well even though my throat wasn't very good. I was comforted by the many praises I got. I hope they were able to understand the deeper meaning in the lyrics of the song.
"How am I not fit to be Your child? You forgave all my iniquities.
You let me experience unfailing love and mercy. You listen wholly to my voice."
"Lord, You turn to me, giving me comfort and assistance. Your peace fills my heart.
Lord, You protect me and guard my life. Most High, You establish my heart."